Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Prerequisites for office web App 2013 components

   Prerequisites for office web App 2013 components

Below are the per-requisites to install office web App components.

·        .Net framework 4.5
·        IIS 7.0 or higher
·        ASP.Net V4.0 in IIS web server extensions
·        Windows power shell V3.

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Microsoft office web apps server 2013 can’t be installed on the same machine as a Microsoft SharePoint server product

 Microsoft office web apps server 2013 can’t be installed on the same machine as a Microsoft SharePoint server product

    Cause: The server you choose can't have SharePoint running on it or any web application running on port 80. Also, Microsoft Office (or any Office component) cannot be installed.

    Solution: there is no work around or solution for this apart from choosing separate server to install web components. We must choose another server for Web App components.

Servers that run Office Web Apps Server Preview must not run any other server application below. 
·        Exchange Server
·        SharePoint Server
·        Lync Server
·        SQL Server
·        No version of the desktop Office suite

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Document farm configuration settings in SharePoint 2013

Document farm configuration settings in SharePoint 2013

we can document  farm configuration settings in SharePoint 2013 by using Windows Power Shell.A very good article from MS how to do this.

Thanks to MS again.


   v  MS Article:

Documenting your farm while things are working properly, will make finding troublesome changes a lot easier

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SharePoint Trouble shooting Methods and Tools

 SharePoint Trouble shooting Methods and Tools

We gather information by following the below methods to trouble shoot the SharePoint issue.
·        Application Logs: This Log will be generated in the System Application logs.
·        System Logs: This Log will be generated in the System  logs
·        ULS logs :This log would locate in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS

·        Developer Dash board tool: Check this Link(

·         IIS Logs:  Stored in the c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles by Default.

 IIS logs can be difficult to read. so we might check the Microsoft’s Log Parser at 

IIS debug Tool 

 Other Tools : below are the other tools used for trouble shooting.

·        Fiddler: It is a webpage debugging tool that enables you to watch both incoming and outgoing web traffic. it’s a great way to troubleshoot slow page loads, Access Denied errors, Kerberos errors, pages that look wrong. We can download fiddler from (

·        SQL Profiler: Can download from

·        Performance Monitor( Perfmon.exe): One of the major advantages is that you can set it to capture information about specific c things at intervals over time. Download from below link


SharePoint Tools to use: 

·        DebugDiag
·        netmon
·        Fiddler2BetaSetup
·        Log Parser
·        PAL_Setup_v2.1_x64
·        SharePoint2010AdministrationToolkit
·        Sharepointctf
·        SharePoint Viewer-Debug
·        SharePoint Viewer-Ship
·        SPDisposeCheck
·        SPSReport
·        UlsViewer
·        WFetch
·        WSSDumpUPerms07

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Trouble shooting SharePoint with Logs and Configuration of Developer Dash board

Trouble shooting SharePoint with Logs and Configuration of Developer Dash board

Trouble shooting SharePoint with Logs:

        SharePoint issues can be resolve by checking the Logs below

·        Application Logs
·        System Logs
·        ULS logs
·        Developer Dash board Tool.

Configuration of Developer Dash board: we can check the logs on developer dashboard tool to get the detailed.Follow the Below steps to configure.

·        To enable dashboard you need to create the Usage and Health Data Collection Service Application before.

·        Go to Monitoring->click on Configure usage and health data collection.

·        Check the box to enable usage data collection->ok 

·        Once you have created the service application you have to enable the dashboard.
·        To enable the dashboard, we will use ON setting and use the below power shell command.

$svc = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService
$dds = $svc.DeveloperDashboardSettings
$dds.DisplayLevel = "On"


·        After executing the above power shell command open your site on top right hand side of your site, you can see an icon to launch Developer Dashboard. Please see below Figure


·        Can see the below detailed screen once click on dash board. we can find logs here to get the error details.

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