Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Issues in the Sharepoint Migration

Issues in the Migration: 

The below are the Most common issues which I encountered & raised by User's in my Migration Project:

I am keeping All here so that It will be useful to some one who is planning for Migration

1.Losing of Inhereited permisions on sub sites:
Migrated thosed permissions which is alredady mapped by sharegate Tool
If,still has issues.created those Groups manually and provided permissions

2.power automate flow triggerted to all notifycations in delta migration
  1. Notifycations Triggerted to all the users while doing delta Migration because of the FLow of Modifyed documents
  2. disable the Power Automate flow while Doing delta Migration on SPecific sites and re-enable after Delta migartion.
3.Alerts notifycation disable in delta migartion
  1. Alerts Triggerted to all the users while doing delta Migration because of the FLow of Modifyed documents
  2. disable the Alerts while Doing delta Migration on SPecific sites and re-enable after Delta migartion.
4.classic conversion to modern sites(manual fix in templates)

Issues occurred while converting some classic sites to Modern Sites in templates and Logo
Fix the Issues manually by re-mapping those Templates and Re-creating Logo

5.Site Logo In SharePoint Online target site, user reported missing logo.  
6.List items missing" ​​In SharePoint Online target site, user reported that few items are missing in SharePoint list or library."
7.User Not Found "In SharePoint Online target site, user reported that specific user/users are present in source site however missing in the target site.
8.Permissions In SharePoint Online target site, user reported that specific permissions/permission levels are present in source site however missing in the target site.
9.Library Settings "In SharePoint Online target site, user reported that ​List/Library versioning setting not similar to the source site's List/Library versioning settings.

I hope the above information will help you to resolve the issue, in case of any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you.
